Acoustic Consulting
If your organization needs the ongoing assistance of acoustic engineering staff, or one-time access to such individuals for to solve your customers' needs, then engaging in a Consulting Agreement with IAR may be right for you.
Small & EfficientIAR is a company of like-minded acousticians operating as a cohesive team. There is no red tape to having products ordered, parts prototyped or scheduling time on test equipment. We're not perfect and have made a few mistakes- but our history of overcoming mistakes is part of what will ensure your present success.
Cutting EdgeIAR members regularly stay on top of the current technologies and trends in acoustic products. Our members are editors and reviewers for acoustic and telecom standards in IEEE and TIA, and participate and present at ASA and AES conferences. We push ourselves to develop internal capabilities in simulation and measurement techniques that are found nowhere else.
Breadth of KnowledgeEach member specializes in a slightly different aspect of electroacoustics- from theory and simulation to materials to industry standard test methodologies. Collectively, we ensure that every hour you get from us is densely packed with years of know-how.
Regular Check-insIAR believes you should be kept informed of your project's status. Whether we run projects 100% internally or are a smaller add-on to your team, expect on having regularly scheduled check-ins with your main project contact. We prepare slides that clearly demonstrate work executed since the last check-in, including any issues or resolutions, project pictures, data summaries, budget and schedule. Meetings are focused and action items get accomplished rather than lingering on.